Coach Klein's Science Blog

6th Grade Science

Week 16- Final Exams


Last week before Christmas Break! I can’t believe that it is already here. We have a busy week full of test :/

You will take you 4th and 5th period exam on Thursday, and you 2nd and 3rd on Friday. Both of those days are half days! Students need to bring home composition books and notebooks to study for test.

Objective: Review for final exams
Review to be posted on Tuesday! Everything is composition so far.

Monday- Maroon Day
Review/ Projects
Please bring your projects to work on.

Review for Test

Early release
Final Exams!

by posted under -6.05, -6.12 | No Comments »    

Week 15- Test Week


Hello Parents and Students,

We are finishing up our Biology unit this week. We will review for our 9 weeks test Tuesday and Wednesday, and then test Thursday Friday. Anytime we have left over in class we will work on our projects! This test will cover everything from Classification of Living things to Levels of organization.

Objective: 6.12 A,B,C,D,E,F
Complete levels of Organization, review for test.

Levels of Organization
Discovering ecosystems

Test Review

TEST DAY/ Projects

by posted under -6.12 | No Comments »    

Project Due Date Change


Hello parents and students,

We have to change to due date for the project, we will have not have time to present projects before the semester ends so the projects will be due the week we get back from the break. Also, students will not have to write the one page paper. Here is in the info the project and the changes that were made

What are we doing?
You are going to create an environment and the organisms that live there. The environment needs to fit the needs of the creatures you create. You will make up a place and the animals that we could find there. (So you are not using animals that we know, you get to make up your own)

Purpose: To create an environment (like a dessert, tundra, rain forest, grassland, pond, lake, etc) that will accommodate the needs of the organisms that live there. The ecosystem will need Biotic and Abiotic organisms. (living and non-living)

Two multicellular organisms
– List their characteristics- Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic (nucleus or no nucleus), Autotroph, Heterotroph (describe what they eat), sexual, asexual (how do they reproduce).
One unicellular organisms
-List their characteristics- Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, Autotroph, Heterotroph (describe what they eat), sexual, asexual.
Have captions explaining the 4 characteristics- (energy, reproduction, cells, nucleus)
CREATE – (choose one) poster, powerpoint, movie, play, 3D model, etc. To display you ecosystem create a display to present to the class.
** All projects must follow Rubric.

DUE- January 7th
Presentations will be January 7-9th

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Week 14! Welcome Back!


Hello Parents and Students,

I hope you all enjoyed the break! 🙂

We are getting closer and closer to Christmas break, cannot believe this semester is nearly over! We are finishing up our unit on living things and then we will be moving to environments. Projects are in full swing, make sure we are making progress on that! I am here every morning by 7:15 if you need help!

this weeks objective:

Students will learn about the cell theory, scientists who led to the development of the cell theory, and how to use microscope to determine that organisms are composed of cells. They will compare and contrast basic characteristics that are used to classify organisms into the broadest taxonomic categories of Domains and Kingdoms
Students will describe biotic and abiotic interactions of several ecosystems and diagram the levels of organization within an ecosystem.

Domains and Kingdoms

White day classes need to fill in charts for homework!
Quiz- Classification of living things/ Domains and Kingdoms

Levels of Organization
Comparing interactions

Project: Students should have uni and multicellular organisms complete by this point. Working on Ecosystems and displays next week!

by posted under -6.01, -6.02, -6.03, -6.04, -6.12 | No Comments »    

Week 13- Thanksgiving Break Week!


Hello Parents and Students,

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! We have short week this week, we will get out at 11:30 on Tuesday! Remember to work on your project over the weekend!

this weeks objective:

Students will learn about the cell theory, scientists who led to the development of the cell theory, and how to use microscope to determine that organisms are composed of cells. They will compare and contrast basic characteristics that are used to classify organisms into the broadest taxonomic categories of Domains and Kingdoms

Monday/Tuesday ****Microscope Quiz ***

Classification – 4 ways we classify organisms
iPad- Cells

by posted under -6.01, -6.02, -6.03, -6.04, -6.12 | No Comments »    

Week 12!


Hello parents and students,

Great first week of biology, seems like everyone has really enjoyed using the microscope. We have one more day with the microscopes then we will be talking about how to classify living things. The students got their information about the semester project this past week and should be taking that home with them to brainstorm! I will attach information about the project as well!

This weeks objective:

Students will learn about the cell theory, scientists who led to the development of the cell theory, and how to use microscope to determine that organisms are composed of cells. They will compare and contrast basic characteristics that are used to classify organisms into the broadest taxonomic categories of Domains and Kingdoms

-Cells Part 2
– Pond Cells
** Brainstorming due!

Sexual and Asexual reproduction
Classification of Living things

Searching for Cells
*Computer Lab

Project information


What are we doing?
You are going to create an environment and the organisms that live there. The environment needs to fit the needs of the creatures you create. You will make up a place and the animals that we could find there. (So you are not using animals that we know, you get to make up your own)

Purpose: To create an environment (like a dessert, tundra, rain forest, grassland, etc) that will accommodate the needs of the organisms that live there. The ecosystem will need Biotic and Abiotic organisms

Two multicellular organisms
– List their characteristics- Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic (nucleus or no nucleus), Autotroph, Heterotroph (describe what they eat), sexual, asexual (how do they reproduce).
One unicellular organisms
-List their characteristics- Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, Autotroph, Heterotroph (describe what they eat), sexual, asexual.
Write a story to tell about your ecosystem. 1 page describing the environment and your organisms. (Each member of the group must write a paper)
CREATE – poster, powerpoint, movie, play, 3D model, etc. To display you ecosystem create a display to present to the class.
** All projects must follow Rubric.

DUE- December 15th ??
Presentations will be December 15-19th ??

Due Dates are subject to change!

by posted under -6.01, -6.02, -6.03, -6.04, -6.12 | No Comments »    

Week 11 Starting Biology This week! Semester Project Coming up!


Hello Parents and Students,

We made it through our studies on chemistry, and now we will be moving on to classification of living things.
We will be starting a project soon, students will have to do a good amount of creative thinking and building for this project.
**Test retakes will be this week as well!

Students will learn about the cell theory, scientists who led to the development of the cell theory, and how to use microscope to determine that organisms are composed of cells. They will compare and contrast basic characteristics that are used to classify organisms into the broadest taxonomic categories of Domains and Kingdoms

Unit 4 Test

Meet the Scientist
Using the Microscope

Using the Microscope
Introduce Project

by posted under -6.01, -6.02, -6.03, -6.04, -6.12 | No Comments »    

Week 10! Last week of Chemistry!!



Happy November!!

We are wrapping up our last unit of Chemistry, we had fun but I am ready to move on! We will test next Friday then we will move on to a quick unit on Biology.

This weeks objective 6.5 C,D
Students will differentiate common compounds by name and symbol. They will recognize that the formation of a new substance may be identified using the evidence of a possible chemical change, such as production of a gas, change in temperature, production of a precipitate, or a change in color

Elephant Toothpaste Demonstration
-Evidence of a Chemical Change

***Study at Home!! (Elements, Compounds, Mixtures)


by posted under -6.01, -6.02, -6.04, -6.05 | No Comments »    

Week 9!


Hello parents and students,

We are off to a good start for the 2nd nine weeks! We will be continuing our study over Elements, Compounds, and evidence of change.
I will be out Monday

Objective: 6.5C,D
Students will differentiate common compounds by name and symbol. They will recognize that the formation of a new substance may be identified using the evidence of a possible chemical change, such as production of a gas, change in temperature, production of a precipitate, or a change in color.

Monday- Quiz – Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
Computer lab

Compound Formulas Lab

Water or Not Lab

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Computer Lab Resources


Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures

Periodic Table

Chemistry Quiz

Fun Trivia

Poll Question

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