Week 8 Oct 20-24 **1st 9 weeks ends Tuesday
Hello Parents and Students
This is the end of the first 9 weeks, time is just flying! Monday and Tuesday will be our re-teach and re-test days for the 9 weeks test we took last week. Then we will be starting Unit 4- “Elements, Compounds, and Evidence of Change.”
Objective: 6.5C,D
Students will differentiate common compounds by name and symbol. They will recognize that the formation of a new substance may be identified using the evidence of a possible chemical change, such as production of a gas, change in temperature, production of a precipitate, or a change in color.
Go Over test- reteach
– What a difference an atom makes (Lab)
Building Blocks of Matter 2 (Homework0
Friday/Monday QUIZ (Mixtures, elements, compounds)
-Computer Lab(Lab)