Week 14! Welcome Back!
Hello Parents and Students,
I hope you all enjoyed the break! 🙂
We are getting closer and closer to Christmas break, cannot believe this semester is nearly over! We are finishing up our unit on living things and then we will be moving to environments. Projects are in full swing, make sure we are making progress on that! I am here every morning by 7:15 if you need help!
this weeks objective:
Students will learn about the cell theory, scientists who led to the development of the cell theory, and how to use microscope to determine that organisms are composed of cells. They will compare and contrast basic characteristics that are used to classify organisms into the broadest taxonomic categories of Domains and Kingdoms
Students will describe biotic and abiotic interactions of several ecosystems and diagram the levels of organization within an ecosystem.
Domains and Kingdoms
White day classes need to fill in charts for homework!
Quiz- Classification of living things/ Domains and Kingdoms
Levels of Organization
Comparing interactions
Project: Students should have uni and multicellular organisms complete by this point. Working on Ecosystems and displays next week!